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1. Pembesaran Lele Dumbo di Pekarangan, Ir. Murhananto, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
2. Budi Daya KOI, Oentie Agoes Tiana dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
3. Longyam Budi Daya Ikan Bersama Ayam, Ir. Enny Purbani T., M.Si dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
4. Membuat Telur Lukis, Ir. Murhananto, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
5. Membedah Rahasia Sukses Memelihara KOI, Oentie Agoes Tiana dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
6. Mendisain, Membuat dan Merawat Taman Rumah, Mona Sintia dan Ir. Murhananto, AgroMedia Pustaka, 2000
7. Membuat Paludarium, Ir. Murhananto, Agromedia Pustaka, 2000
8. Tehnik Dasar Membuat Lilin Hias, Veri Aprianto, SSn dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Kawan Pustaka, 2004
9. Aneka Kreasi Lilin, Veri Aprianto, SSn dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Kawan Pustaka, 2004
10. Menghadirkan Pesona Air di Taman, Murhananto, Puspa Swara, 2000
11. Peraturan Permainan Futsal, Ir Murhananto, Kawan Pustaka, 2000
12. Budi Daya, Pengolahan, Perdagangan jahe, Farry B. Paimin, Murhananto, 1991
13. Membuat dan Mendekorasi Lilin, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 1999
14. Aneka Cetakan Lilin Hias, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2001
15. Membuat Lilin Apung Plus Pemberian Warna dan Aroma, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2000
16. Membuat Kreasi Lilin Jeli, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2000
17. Membuat Air Terjun Miniatur, Ir. Murhananto, Puspa Swara, 2000
18. Menyelami Dunia Pencak Silat, Ir. Murhananto, Puspa Swara, 2000
19. Membuat Aneka Kreasi Pigura, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2002

20. Tanaman Obat untuk Mengatasi Hepatitis, dr. Efi Afifah dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
21. Tanaman Obat untuk Mengatasi Diabetes Mellitus, dr. Prapti utami dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
22. Tanaman Obat untuk Mengatasi Rematik dan Asam Urat, dr. Prapti utami dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
23. Khasiat dan Manfaat Teulawak Rimpang Penyembuh Aneka Penyakit, dr. Efi Afifah dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
24. Terapi Jus untuk Diabetes Mellitus, dr. Prapti Utami dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
25. Khasiat dan Manfaat Jahe Merah si Rimpang Ajaib, Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
26. Khasiat dan Manfaat Brotowali si Pahit yang menyembuhkan, Budi Kresnady dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
27. Khasia dan Manfaat Kunyit, ir, W.P. Winarto dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
28. Memanfaatkan Tanaman Sayur untuk Mengatasi Aneka Penyakit, ir, W.P. Winarto dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
29. Khasiat dan Manfaat Pare, Dr. Tati S.S. Subahar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
30. Mimba Tanaman Obat Multifungsi, Dr. Sukrasno dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
31. Mencegah Ikan koki Mudah Mati, ir, Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
32. Mempercantik Kaktus dan Meningkatkan Nilai Jual, Ir, Joese Endah H dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
33. Mencemerlangkan Warna KOI, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
34. Pembesaran Ikan Mas di Kolam Air Deras, Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
35. Mempercantik Kaktus dan Meningkatkan Nilai Jualnya, Ir, Joese Endah H dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
36. Mencegah Ikan Koki Mudah Mati, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
37. Menghasilkan Pakan Alami untuk Ikan Hias, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
38. Beternak Ayam Arab Merah si Tukang Bertelur, Widharto Pambudi, SE dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
39. Budi Daya Ikan Hias Air Tawar Untuk Ekspor, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
40. Memilih dan Membuat Pakan Tepat untuk KOI, Handrie Agoes Tiana dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
41. Mewaspadai dan Menanggulangi Penyakit pada Louhan, Hambali Supriyadi, M.Sc, dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
42. Pembesaran Ikan Mas di Kolam Pekarangan, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
43. Membuat Ikan Hias Tampil Sehat dan Prima, Hambali Supriyadi, M.Sc dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
44. Cermat dan Tepat Memasarkan Gurami, Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
45. Bertanam Cabai Rawit dalam Pot, Ir. Purwono, MS dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2006
46. Memilih dan Mencari Kerja sesuasi dengan Bakat dan Kepribadian, Efriyani Djuwita, Kawan Pustaka, 2003
47. Kaya Karena Allah, Mohammad Asror Yusuf. MA, Kwan Pustaka 2004
48. Bercinta Karena Allah, Mohammad Asror Yusuf, MA, Kawan Pustaka, 2004
49. Menyingkap Rahasia Penangkaran dan Budi Daya Arwana, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
50. Cetak Sablon Untuk Pemula, Guruh Nusantara, A.Md. Graft dan Tim Lentera, Puspa Swara, 2003
51. Percakapan Bahasa Arab sehari-hari, Mohammad Asror Yusuf, MA, Kawan Pustaka, 2003
52. Perencanaan Menu Untuk Penderita Kegemukan, Ir. Susi Purwati, Dr. dr. Sri Rahayuningsih, MSc, Ir. Salimar, Penebar Swadaya, 2000


53. Aneka Masakan Dari Ayam, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
54. Aneka Masakan dari Ikan Mas, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
55. Aneka Masakan dari Ikan Lele, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
56. Aneka Masakan dari Gurami, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
57. Aneka Masakan Tahu, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
58. Aneka Masakan Tempe, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
59. Aneka Hidangan Seafood, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
60. Kreasi Tumpeng Istimewa, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
61. Sajian Kopi ala Cafe, Yuni Pradata dan Raninta IA, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
62. Aneka Masakan Ikan Air Tawar, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
63. Aneka Masakan Soto, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
64. Aneka Masakan Sop, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
65. Aneka Masakan Ikan Laut, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2006
66. Aneka Masakan dari Sayuran Berkhasiat Obat, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2006
67. Aneka Masakan Ayam Nusantara, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
68. Aneka Masakan Bakso, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
69. Aneka Masakan Jajanan Pasar, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
70. Menu 30 Hari, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004

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Article Writing And Marketing Online

Many internet marketers rush to write and submit their articles to article databases and are disappointed with the results that they achieve for the effort they spent writing them. So as you can see by writing your own articles you are more likely to impress those people that are interested in the service or the product that you are offering and because submission to many article directories is free the cost implications are minimal. Also many people have found that the article directories that they submit to are usually free for submission purposes and when starting an online business any savings you can make in the first few weeks or months will benefit the business.

When you write articles to promote your business online you should set an objective – for example to increase the number of visitors and clients for a certain product or service – and then focus on a topic of interest related to that objective. The best way to achieve this is to talk first about the feature of your topic, product, or services briefly, and then follow right below your feature, a detailed benefit (make sure you focus and write more on the benefit). Now all you need to do is either write the articles yourself or get them written by others, and then submit them to the article directories, and watch all the targeted traffic flow in.

If you can write quality articles and submit them to the article directories, you will definitely get “Targeted Traffic” to your websites. 1) Submit to Article Directories The best place to submit your articles are Article Directories. If you are good in writing and enjoy doing it, you might decide to write your own articles.

Me too, but at an average of some 16 articles per day for 16 months and now often writing 30-40 articles per day some days, well you might be surprised how easy it is to run out of subjects that you wish to write about. One online article writer asks; Does Writing One or Two Articles Per Day Make a Difference? Of course as an online article writer who often submits his articles to online article submission sites I have found folks in their infinite anger and hypocrisy of their religion go and rate all my articles with a one star.

I was told by an online article submission site entrepreneur that; If you write articles to "tear at the heart" of their belief system, surely it should not surprise you if they are angry with you. Whatever your reasons for writing articles and wherever they end up, before you start to scribble or tap away at the keyboard, there are a few basic things that you will need to know. If you are writing for Productivity, then you have to adopt certain strategies when writing these articles so that you may obtain the maximum one way links, improve your link popularity and enjoy other benefits.

Because it establishes you as an authority on the subject that you are writing on and because writing articles will also increase the number of people (and visitors) who know about and visit your website. Writing articles and allowing other webmasters to post your articles on their website will absolutely explode the number of backlinks to your site, in addition to increasing the number of people who visit your site – both of which help to increase your website’s popularity and search engine ranking. I know if you are watching a Docu-Drama, Action film or listening to music with lots of verbal irony, Country or some of the newer stuff then you must re-check your articles and be careful editing, otherwise too many mistakes.

By keeping these five mistakes in mind when you sit down to write your next article, you're more likely to create an effective piece of writing that gets your message across in the most professional way possible. Part 2 of this article will explore the aspects of writing for Productivity and achieving your goal as a Smart Webmaster. If you would like detailed tips about the dos and don'ts of article writing, then watch this space, there will be more coming soon.

These tips are pretty straightforward, and most of you would consider them to be common sense, but even the best article writers sometimes get off track, and may forget some of the fundamentals of writing.

Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory

Promoting Your Website by Writing Quality Articles

Wrtitten by David Slone for ArticleGOLD
All webmasters know how important it is to obtain quality relevant backlinks to their website(s). Backlinks help to increase both Page Rank and traffic flow. One very effective way to build relevant backlinks is to write articles and submit them to article directories. If you write informative and useful articles other webmasters will pick them up for use on their own websites providing you with inbound links and traffic flow. Webmasters only use articles that are appropriate to their website's subject matter so any such backlinks will be from relevant pages.

If you want to be successful promoting your website in this manner there are a few things you have to keep in mind.

Quality Writing:

Webmasters are looking for high quality content their visitors will find informative or entertaining. If you write an article that is simply a sales pitch there is little chance that it will be republished. Your goal should be to write a useful article that others will actually want to read. If you keep the reader's attention all the way to the end of the article they will be much more likely to read the author resource and visit your site. If you keep in mind that you want to add value to any website that uses your article this type of promotion will work very well for you.

Author Resource:

The author resource is usually located at the end of your article. Most article directories will allow up to three links here, but you should check with their submission guidelines to be sure. Try to make full use of the number of links that are permitted and remember to use links to internal pages as well as the home page. If three links are allowed I recommend that you use a link to your home page, a link to an internal page, and a plain URL. Some webmasters will copy and paste an article into their page and omit text hyperlinks. If you include one link that is simply the url you will be ready for when that happens.

If you submit your article to multiple directories it is a good idea to vary the anchors and links in the resource box.

How to get inspiration and resources to put together a useful article:

Now that you understand the basics behind submitting articles for web promotion it is time to start writing. Where will you get ideas about what to write about? You should start out with ideas from your own website. What is the topic, or theme, of your website? The answer to that question will tell you what to write about. Just remember that you will want those who read your articles to be interested in what you have to offer on the website you are promoting. The purpose of your article will be to attract and keep the readers attention and make them interested in visiting your site.

Resources for article information:

In most cases you will want to gather research and information in preparation for writing your article. One good source for this information is the public domain. Websites like Wikipedia provide information that is copyright free. However, do not be tempted to just copy and paste public domain content.

A keyword search for your article subject will also provide a lot of resources for information that can be used. Just be sure to respect copyright laws and do not plagiarize.
Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory

How To Write a Great Article

By: Carson Danfield

The Internet is the 'Information Highway'. People are going to the Internet to look for information, plain and simple.

It's your job to provide them with this information if you're going to have any success online. I just can’t stress enough the importance and the overall benefits you'll receive from being able to create some quality, entertaining articles on your own so - Just do it! You'll thank me down the road.

Right now, I'd like to offer you a condensed, brief crash course on article writing and quickly demonstrate to you how these little 'viral goldmines' can instantly increase your traffic and sales.

First -- How To Write A Great Article:

Forget everything you were taught in English class. Writing articles is 'Meatball Writing'. You want to write in your own style and at an 8th grade reader level.

Don't try to impress your readers with your sheer intelligence. Don't use big words when you can use much simpler, shorter words that have the same meaning. Don't bore your readers! Add some sizzle and spice. Be unique and show your personality! Don't be afraid to be yourself.

Each article you write should be approximately 700-1000 Words - Always keep your articles short, sweet, concise, and to the point.

When adding articles as content to your website, you can make your article as long as you'd like, however when submitting these articles to article directories to promote your website, you want to follow their strict guidelines which usually involve a specific maximum word count and format.

Use bulleted points and break up lines of text with transitional effects like this... and this -- or use (parenthesis like this) to make it easier on your reader's eyes.

A well written article should consist of short sentences and short paragraphs, bulleted points and sub-headings, each addressing a specific point of topic in your article.

Stay focused on your topic and provide useful information. Quality is most important! Do your research and write your articles to educate your readers.

People like it when you're specific, so give them specifics. Offer links to additional resources if needed.

Use popular search engines like Google and Yahoo to read over similar articles and find websites focused on your subject to research your topic.

IMPORTANT - There's nothing illegal or unethical about using information you've discovered from another article or website to create an article of your very own. Just remember - NEVER copy someone else's work word for word. You can take notes from an informative article you've read and use that information to write your own article just as long as you put things into your own words.

For example, let's say you wanted to write an article titled...

"How To Effortlessly Sweep Your Spouse Off Her Feet -- Wine Her And Dine Her - And Make Her Wonder Who The Great Imposter Is - All For Less Than $16."

What you should do is list everything you already know about this subject in an easy to reference list. Next, go to Google and do a few searches on the topic. I'm sure you'll find several listings related to the subject. Yes, you might have to be clever in your search, but rest assured, you'll find the info if you dig deep enough.

Then, read over the best of those articles and websites you find and make yourself an ultra-resourceful list on your topic. Finally, take your notes and construct your own article in a simple, easy to read format.

That's all there is to it.

IMPORTANT TIP: You want to provide superior, quality information in each and every article you write. Having said that, you also want to try to be somewhat clever in your approach.

The best articles I've written provide great content but also leave out some additional information that your reader would love to have in order to truly benefit completely from your knowledge and expertise. It’s that ‘cliff-hanger’ effect that gets them to visit your website for more!
Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory

How To Overcome The Nightmare Of Article Marketing

By: D.W Campbell

Yes we know writing articles is a great website marketing strategy that can ramp up any online business. Look at all the positives: more web site traffic, better visibility for your business, increased link popularity, repeat visitors, free advertising and a gaggle of other good stuff. All of this is true. However, if the thought of sitting down at your computer and cranking out content on a regular basis makes you break out in hives, than article marketing is a nightmare.

The reality is that doing business online requires web content. You have probably seen a few sites that contained nothing but an advertising banner. These sites do not last long. Why? Because people want useful information not a sales page and search engines want content. It's tough to build a customer base and get referrals if people have nothing to go on. The key to online success is to give both groups exactly what they want.

However none of this changes the fact that you would rather watch television test patterns that write articles. So what can you do?

1. Hire Someone.
There are many writers who for a certain fee will crank out articles for you. There are also a number of article writing companies online. You tell them the topic you are interested in, agree on the price and they will write a set number of articles for you. Many of these places are of top quality but you should understand one thing: No matter how much you discuss it with the writer, there is only one person that can give you exactly what you want one hundred percent of the time and that's you. Still, hiring someone to write remains a viable option.

2. Free articles
If you can think of a topic, the odds are someone has already written about it. Start perusing some the major article directories. Most of these sites will indicate that it is okay to use the articles on you website as long as you follow their guidelines. This usually means ensuring you give the author credit, not modifying the article in any way and including the author's resource box or byline at the end of the article.

All of this should go without saying. Plagiarizing or not giving the author credit only leads to negative (and totally unnecessary) ramifications for you and your business. You are trying to build credibility. Once you throwaway trust it's hard to get it back so do the right thing. Also as a courtesy if the link in their resource box does not work do some investigating and activate it. Who knows? Someone may do the same for you down the line.

3. Other webmasters

Find site owners in your niche who write their own content and invite them to post on your blog web site. It's not only a good way to get instant web site content but you can also establish potential link and joint venture partners. Getting free articles from other webmasters has great advantages. Unfortunately, the downside is the article links are pointing toward their website.

That's just another reason to write your own articles. The more websites that link back to you without requiring a reciprocal link, the better search engines will rank your site. By all means if your budget allows it hire a proven writer or article company to provide web content. Outsourcing (the good kind) is an important component to growing your business. You should also use the free articles that are available online to build your website.

But start writing. Providing original information gives search engines and visitors something unique that only you can provide. Seeing your business grow by leaps and bounds will overcome any lingering nightmare about article marketing.

Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory -->

Article Writing: How It Can Impact Your Wallet!

Some of the largest marketing specialists cited articles as the best form of advertising available. When you add that to the fact that it is free then you can start to think that maybe this is something that I could use to make money? The way it works is that you put many original articles on your website containing keywords often looked for on the search engines. Now you are getting the free traffic because your site has more intellectual content. As they say "On the Internet, content is king". If you personally don't have the energy to write relevant, keyword-targeted articles for your website, there is an easy way. Have there are websites where you can hire freelance writers to write articles for you. Registration is free, but writers usually come at a fair price. Anyway, if you are looking to expand your business then it's worth it to write articles and provide good quality content to your visitors. There are two main ways that writing articles can grow your business. Both work in bringing traffic to your website, which will give you customers to sell your product or service. 1) SEO or Search Engine Optimization means an article that when written in a specific way and targets specific keywords or phases it will give the search engines a lot of good useful, targeted content. It makes the search engines sit down and take note of your article and the links, if related. There is much corporate profitability in electronic commerce and all the best marketers are now using the Internet to bring traffic to their websites using articles. 2) Viral Articles There are many other people like you who are seeking to bring article content on their websites. So give it to them. Writing articles on the topic that you understand make for better content and at the bottom, you can leave your name and a link to your website. Submit these articles to an article directory and voila! It sounds too simple doesn't it? Other webmasters like you want free content and free content is king, your interesting articles located in an article directory are valuable to others and to the direct traffic to your site. They put your articles on their website and they began to get the traffic from keyword. Yet at the same time, you get traffic from your link at the bottom of the article. Just webmasters put your article on their website, but if it's good then as soon as you may have many links to your website on several web sites. They're all bringing you potential customers and money. Another great thing about writing articles for traffic is they give you a "name". For example, if someone reads your article, and can clearly see that you are knowledgeable person on this subject, they are more likely to buy from you. Similarly, if someone finds your website, then Google's your name to see what kind of person you are, and can see that you are very informative and have a very large base of well-written articles. I hope this has given you some ideas for growing your business online.
Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory -->

Effective Article Marketing - Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts

By: Johny Rider

If you are a website owner or if you maintain an online blog, you can put it to good use by marketing products and services through articles. This is what a lot of business minded people on the Internet call article marketing - a venture so profitable it is no wonder so many people are getting into it nowadays. If you use it as a marketing tool, you will get more readers for your site and thus increase your site traffic. And when you have a steady stream of web traffic each and every day, you will get more profits from search engines and people who are interested in buying and availing the products and services you promote. Here are four effective strategies that will surely help supercharge your article marketing efforts:

1. Think of article marketing as advertising - which is a type of promoting your own self through your website and the products and services you advertise in it. Which means your articles' contents must be a chock-full of information about anything and everything that has to do with your business. For example, if you are promoting beauty products, then write articles about how people can look beautiful using a few products.

2. Always have a resource box. A resource box will ensure that people will have information about you as the writer and will have a gateway going to your own web site.

3. For faster circulation of your content, make use of article distribution sites. While some may charge a small amount for the service, consider it as an investment because thousands of readers will get to see your work.

4. Have lots of links everywhere. This will allow search engines to give your page a higher ranking and make you a top search on their pages, thereby making your site a cut above the rest. Article Marketing - Presenting Four Effective Strategies to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

If you are a website owner or if you maintain an online blog, you can put it to good use by marketing products and services through articles. This is what a lot of business minded people on the Internet call article marketing - a venture so profitable it is no wonder so many people are getting into it nowadays. If you use it as a marketing tool, you will get more readers for your site and thus increase your site traffic. And when you have a steady stream of web traffic each and every day, you will get more profits from search engines and people who are interested in buying and availing the products and services you promote. Here are four effective strategies that will surely help supercharge your article marketing efforts:

1. Think of article marketing as advertising - which is a type of promoting your own self through your website and the products and services you advertise in it. Which means your articles' contents must be a chock-full of information about anything and everything that has to do with your business. For example, if you are promoting beauty products, then write articles about how people can look beautiful using a few products.

2. Always have a resource box. A resource box will ensure that people will have information about you as the writer and will have a gateway going to your own web site.

3. For faster circulation of your content, make use of article distribution sites. While some may charge a small amount for the service, consider it as an investment because thousands of readers will get to see your work.

4. Have lots of links everywhere. This will allow search engines to give your page a higher ranking and make you a top search on their pages, thereby making your site a cut above the rest.
Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory

Increase Website Traffic Starting Today

By: Aubrey Jones

To fully integrate the Internet, Business and Profit into a successful model you will need another component: Traffic. Almost every article about making a website successful includes the importance of generating traffic.

We all know that at the core of it all traffic is the most essential thing to an internet based business' success. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, and you have your business’s internal organization, like product distribution, well taken care of, it would be time to get to the heart of things, generating website visitors.

If you already have a site and you think that you're not getting the traffic that expect or need, then it's time to reconsider where you’ve been focusing your resources. To be successful in this very competitive business, you always have to be a step ahead of your competition and increasing your flow of potential customers should probably have started yesterday.

It's an old adage but it still holds true: Timing IS everything. With generating traffic, you should always be on your toes and be a day ahead of everyone. Never think of tomorrow as a starting point, think of today as the day. Ideally it should have been yesterday.

To help you out in generating more traffic for your site, here are seven surefire ways to start increasing it starting today.

1) Optimize your website around proper keywords or keyword phrases.

For most websites the highest volume of traffic will come from search engines. The higher your website appears on results pages the more likely you will see increased visitors. Selecting and using the right keyword for your website is a key component to search engine optimization.

2) Invest in good advertising with Search Engines.

Google’s Adwords and Yahoo’s Search Marketing programs provide great advertising opportunities that can generate highly targeted traffic. Although this is an excellent way to jumpstart your traffic it does cost money. While some website owners shy away from spending money to increase traffic, it is important that you at least consider it. Consider getting professional assistance. When done correctly, search engine marketing can be very cost effective. When done poorly it can just be very costly.

3) Build one-way and reciprocal links to your website.

Links to your site have a two-fold value. First, they provide ways for people to find your website as they visit related websites. Second, they help boost the importance of your website's pages in search engines like Google and Yahoo!. Consider requesting link exchanges with other websites that have similar (but not competing) content. Also, look for opportunities to build one-way links like leaving comments on other websites and blogs.

4) Use Viral Marketing.

Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product for little or relatively low costs. This is a marketing method that can be quite effective; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to media such as a funny video, an entertaining game, an interesting article or something that will create ‘buzz.’ The goal is to get people interested enough to pass the content, and your link, to others. If done correctly you can create a virtual army of people willing to promote your business.

5) Join forums and online communities and become an active participant.

Look for forums that are relevant to your products, services or expertise. Review existing comments and offer insightful reviews, comments or assistance. Again, this builds your expert status and provides another great opportunity to include a link to your website in your signature.

6) Write and publish relevant articles.

Submit original articles that are highly relevant to your website's content to highly ranked article distribution sites like EzineArticles or Article Dashboard. For instance, if you sell animal toys write articles about how to select the right toys for your dog. Use the resource box to include a description of your site or services and most importantly, include a link to your website. Articles not only provide links back to your website (see method 2) but also help establish you as an expert in your field.

7) Lastly, produce newsletters or e-zines.

Newsletters can be an invaluable way to get leads of potential customers and provide a way to turn those leads into loyal customers. By offering newsletters that contain valuable, unique content you can attract subscribers who are interested in what you're offering. If they find the information valuable they are more likely to turn to your website when they need a product or service.

There are many other ways to generate website but these are surefire ways that you can use to get started today. You only have customers to lose by not getting started now.
Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory

Use Article Marketing to Promote Your Website Effectively Writing Articles

By: Francis Hirak

As a result of article marketing, you will discover, that when you promote your website writing articles, as your marketing strategy, it is a fast and simple way to build your credibility as an expert in your field. Most webmasters write how-to articles to do just that. This is a proven way to provide tremendous benefits for your website, including link popularity and search engine rankings.

Writing how-to articles to promote your website is a very effective way to show yourself as one of the leading experts in your industry. Through giving your customers and clients valuable information, they will come to appreciate what you have to share with them and look up to you as an expert who can help them solve their problems.

You will discover as you’re going through article directories and submitting your articles that there are many people who need help, no matter what the topic is. When your article is approved, all you have to do is wait a week or two. Then go back, login to your account and check the article statistics to see how many times your article was viewed. You will see for yourself, many people do need help.

Stay focused. Whether your focus is on how to write a long article or how to write a short article, your main objective should be on how to help your readers. To be recognized as an expert you must please your readers by giving them helpful information. It doesn’t matter how long your article is or how short it is, it’s what you put in it that counts. This is where article marketing is at it’s best.

Customers buy because they have a problem to solve. Whether it’s how to promote a website or how to write articles, the best approach to use is to write an article that will resolve the problem. When using this approach you will appear to them as the helpful expert who dedicated your time as their problem solver.

By giving them the answers to the questions they’re looking for, you will stand as a credible person in your industry and soon after, profits will follow. Why? Because you have just gained their trust.

As you can see, the most effective way to accomplish your goal is to stay focused and write an article on a topic that is of interest to your target market. Write your topic to make it easy to read and understandable. If a customer does not comprehend what you are trying to say, of what benefit it is to them? So be careful to write your text so that your customers get the perspective of it.

Whenever possible, it would be your best benefit to write on topics from your own personal experience. By using this approach, you’ll find that it will hold your readers attention longer because it‘s coming from experience. The longer you hold their attention the easier it will be to turn them into a paying customer.

Article marketing is one of the best ways to promote your website as long as you write a quality informational article. And than post it in e-zines, and the sites that provide free content. E-zine publishers, e-zine magazines, and industry newsletters need a good steady stream of articles that have information of value for their readers.

If you promote a product, service, or an affiliate program that corresponds with your article, you have a great chance of getting more traffic to your website. If you have an affiliate program, do not include links in the body of your article. You do not want your advice to sound like you are trying to influence them rather than help them. One important thing to remember, when a customer reads your article they’re looking for “what’s in it for me!’

The benefit of distributing articles in the directories to promote your website is, the more people who read your article the more clicks you get back to your website. This means more traffic to your site. Alexa ranks sites based upon incoming traffic, (you get the picture), and how this will benefit your site. As you can see, article marketing is one of your best marketing tools.

When you post your article in e-zines, and the sites that provide free content, you are getting sites with a high page rank sending links back to your website. Many of the sites where your articles appear have high page rank because they are filled with a lot of quality content. This means these links are just about guaranteed to help increase you’re standing with search engines.

Write as many articles as you possibility can in your industry to keep a steady stream of traffic coming back to your website. Moreover, make sure you choose the right category for your article. The category you choose for your article is very important, so make sure you choose wisely.

The most important of all, make sure you put your URL in the bio. Many publications will permit you to include four to six lines to present your contact information. Use article marketing to promote your website as your number one tool, and submit your articles to as many article directories as you possibility can. This is how I promote my web site, and it’s free.

Provided by ArticleGOLD: Articles Directory - Article Directory


Ayo Mulai Menulis
How to Write a Book
Karya Skenario
About Me
Mengapa Mesti Menulis ?
Halaman Sebelumnya ... Jika Anda masih termakan o...
Menjadi Penulis Artikel, Buku & Cerita, Mudahkah?

How to Write a Book

List of Books :

The Magic of Writing: How to Write and Publish the Book that is Inside You

How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing

Dan Poynter's Self-Publishing Manual, 16th Edition: How to Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book (Self Publishing Manual)

How to Write a Damn Good Novel: A Step-by-Step No Nonsense Guide to Dramatic Storytelling

The Writer's Guide to Writing Your Screenplay: How to Write Great Screenplays for Movies and Television

The Magic of Writing: How to Write and Publish the Book that is Inside You

How to Write Your Life Story

How to Write a Children's Book and Get It Published

Karya Skenario

1. Radio Repot (GMM Film-Trans TV),
2. Club Chetah (Persari Film),
3. Bajaj Bajuri Baru (GMM Film-Trans TV),
4. Tante Tuti (GMM Film-Trans TV),
5. Warga Sini Emang Gitu (GMM Film-ANTV),
6. Kecil Kecil Ngobyek (MNC – RCTI),
7. Kejar Kusnadi (Indika-RCTI),
8. Tawasutra (Inhouse antv),
9. Istana BBM (Inhouse Indosiar),
10. Pengadilan Negara BBM (Inhouse Indosiar),
11. Sahur di Istana (Inhouse Indosiar),
12. Petak IX (Kep Media-antv).
13. Suami Suami Takut Istri (Multivision–Trans TV).
14.Obsesi Olivia
15. Jakarta Jack

email :

About Me


Memulai karir jurnalistik sebagain editor dan penulis di Kelompok Majalah Trubus. Lulusan Institut Pertanian Bogor jurusan Sosial Ekonomi ini juga pernah bekerja sebagai wartawan di Majalah Warta Ekonomi, dan Seputar Indonesia (RCTI).

Sejak tahun 2002 mendirikan PUSTAKA LENTERA, sebuah lembaga penulisan naskah dan literatur. Melalui lembaga yang dipimpinnya ini, ia memasok banyak tulisan berupa naskah dan buku. Baik untuk diterbitkan bagi kalangan terbatas maupun dipublikasikan secara umum. Hingga saat ini lebih dari 30 judul buku sudah ditulisnya.

Lulusan Magister Manajemen Universitas Trisakti dengan kekhususan pemasaran ini juga berkiprah sebagai pengusaha kerajinan. Selain itu ia juga sering diminta sebagai pembicara dalam seminar pengembangan kerajinan.

Beberapa buku dalam bidang kerajinan juga telah hadir dari buah pemikirannya, seperti Lilin Hias, Air Terjun Miniatur, Paludarium, dan beberapa lainnya lihat di sini....

Saat ini, ayah satu orang anak ini, juga menulis skenario dan pernah bergabung dengan ANP (Aris Nugraha Production).

Mengapa Mesti Menulis ?

Pertanyaan di atas berkecamuk. Pada hati, pikiran, dan jiwaku. Tapi, sekali lagi: mengapa mesti menulis ? Aku tak hendak mendapat jawaban segera. Ini sebuah perenungan. Karena bagiku, menulis menghabiskan waktu. Tidak dinamis. Dan, last but not lease, aku gak bisa nulis. Jadi, jangan suruh aku nulis.
Tapi, tergelitik juga membaca ajakan untuk menulis. Apa yang akan aku tulis ? Siapa yang akan membaca ? Atau, adakah yang mau membaca tulisanku ? Jangan-jangan tulisanku menyendiri dalam pengap ruang imajiku sendiri. Tanpa kawan, tanpa teman, apalagi sahabat. Tak hendek berdebat. Aku menghentikan tulisanku.
Bagiku, bicara jauh lebih menyenangkan. Ada teman, ada lawan bicara. Dan, yang pasti, lebih hidup. Lebih dinamis.
Namun, aku adalah orang yang selalu ingin tahu. Aku coba lagi. Lalu, lagi. Dan, lagi. Meski kadang bosan. Jenuh. Atau, bete. Tapi, nekad aku lanjutkan. Lama dan lama. Dalam waktu tak sebentar, aku seakan menemukan kebenaran dari menulis. Aku merasakan sensasi yang berbeda. Aku menikmati.
Benar saja. Tatkala ada seseorang yang menanggapi tulisanku, aku cukup senang. Tatkala beberapa memberi komentar, aku gembira. Tatkala ada yang mengambil manfaat dari tulisanku, aku bahagia. Dan, tak seperti berbicara, tulisanku melanglang ke seluruh penjuru. Yang aku tak tahu dimana. Tak seperti bicara yang sering menguap percuma, tulisanku menempel pada lontar budaya. Diingat. Dikomentari. Dipuji. Juga, kadang dimaki. Tapi, aku menemukan obyektifitas. Aku semakin merasakan bahwa orang menilai pikitranku dari tulisan. Dari pilihan kata. Dari tema. Dari sikapku.
Aku coba terus menulis. Meski, aku tahu dan amat tahu. Ada yang setuju, ada yang menentang. Tapi itulah hidup. Kuputuskan untuk terus menulis.


Jurus Jitu Menulis Buku Laris Untuk Orang Sibuk Seperti Anda
Oleh: Edy Zaqeus
ISBN: 979-3574-15-1
Terbit: Cetakan I-II, September 2005
Penerbit: Gradien - Yogyakarta
Ukuran: 11 x 18 cm, 184 hlm
Harga: Rp 28.000,-

* Beredar Oktober 2005 di seluruh toko buku terkemuka di kota Anda. Untuk buku dengan tanda tangan dan ucapan khusus dari penulisnya, pesan langsung dengan menghubungi Hp: 08159912074 atau email: dan

* Buku ini juga tersedia khusus di AW Motivation Books & Gift Shop, Mall Artha Gading Lt. Dasar, Blok A3 No.6-7-8, Jakarta Utara, Telp: 021-45863967.

Buku pertama dan satu-satunya yang memotivasi orang untuk menulis buku best seller. Siapa pun Anda, sesibuk apa pun Anda, dan apa pun latar belakang Anda, menulis buku best seller bukanlah impian semata. Buku ini menyediakan resep, kiat-kiat, dan alat untuk mewujudkan impian Anda.

Dengan jumlah penduduk lebih dari 200 juta orang dan angka melek huruf (literacy) yang tinggi, yaitu sekitar 86%, Indonesia semestinya merupakan ladang penerbitan buku yang sangat subur. Sayangnya, profesi penulis seringkali dipandang sebelah mata karena kurang menjanjikan penghasilan tetap, serta ada beberapa miskonsepsi tentang kegiatan tulis-menulis yang kurang memberikan manfaat bagi perkembangan perbukuan di Indonesia.

Sebagai perbandingan, di Amerika Serikat dalam satu tahun terbit sekitar 75 ribu buku. Di Indonesia, kelihatannya hanya sekitar 10% dari jumlah ini atau bahkan kurang (data soal ini masih diperdebatkan). Padahal, antara Indonesia dan Amerika jumlah penduduknya bisa dibilang sama-sama melampaui 200 juta (data 2004: penduduk AS 294 juta dan Indonesia 238 juta). Tentu saja ada variabel lain yang menyebabkan angka seperti ini, antara lain rendahnya daya beli dan kultur senang membaca yang semestinya lebih digiatkan lagi di Indonesia.

Selain itu, ada beberapa miskonsepsi mengenai profesi penulis. Seperti, adanya mitos bahwa kegiatan menulis itu sulit sekali dan memerlukan bakat yang luar biasa (untuk buku-buku genre tertentu). Ada lagi mitos bahwa seseorang hanya pantas menjadi penulis kalau sudah mencapai tahap tertentu dalam karir (untuk buku-buku profesi dan akademis). Bahkan ada yang membayangkan bahwa menulis adalah suatu pekerjaan super istimewa yang hanya pantas dijalankan oleh orang-orang eksentrik super kreatif (untuk buku-buku literatur), atau orang-orang idealis yang gemar berpetualang (untuk buku-buku reportase).

Apa pun miskonsepsi yang menghambat profesi tulis-menulis di Indonesia, sudah saatnya kita melihat dengan jernih seperti apa sebenarnya proses penulisan buku yang efektif dan efisien. Siapa pun Anda, sepanjang Anda bisa baca tulis, Anda pasti bisa menjadi penulis. Ingat “there are all kinds of writers and all kinds of readers” . Dengan demikian, kita bisa dengan jelas melihat potensi dari profesi yang sangat menjanjikan ini.

“Resep Cespleng Menulis Buku Best Seller” secara gamblang memberikan tips, tricks dan bahkan tools yang mungkin tidak terpikirkan oleh pembaca umumnya, supaya bisa menulis ala profesional dan menerbitkan buku best seller yang luar biasa. Jalur-jalur penerbitan yang sebelumnya mungkin kurang diperhitungkan juga dibahas dengan sangat gamblang, dalam satu-satunya buku berbahasa Indonesia, yang mengajarkan bagaimana setiap orang yang bisa baca tulis mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi penulis best seller.

Sebagai seorang penulis perantauan yang telah membedah lebih dari 1.200 buku, menerbitkan 20 buku, dan lebih dari 900 artikel di mancanegara, saya sangat terkesan dengan resourcefulness penulis Edy Zaqeus dalam memaparkan rahasia sukses penulis-penulis best seller, serta tahap-tahap penulisan yang dapat dengan mudah dijalankan oleh penulis pemula. Kunci dari keberhasilan buku ini dalam membangunkan the sleeping writer in all of us adalah “best seller mindset” yang sudah mendarah daging di dalam diri Edy Zaqeus, seorang best-selling author
Selanjutnya ...
Halaman Sebelumnya ...
Jika Anda masih termakan oleh mitos-mitos soal menulis dan menjadi penulis, sudah saatnya Anda membuang hal-hal tersebut. Saya sendiri adalah saksi hidup bahwa menulis itu gampang dan mencari nafkah dari menulis tidak kalah hasilnya dibandingkan dengan profesi lainnya. Kalau Edy, saya, dan banyak penulis lainnya bisa hidup nyaman dari menulis, mengapa Anda tidak? Intinya hanya satu: membangunkan sang penulis yang sedang tidur di dalam diri kita semua.

Jennie S. Bev
San Francisco Bay Area,
California, USA

Endorsement ini ditulis oleh Jennie S. Bev, seorang penulis, konsultan, educator, entrepreneur dan finalis 2003 EPPIE Award (USA) for excellence in electronic publishing under non-fiction how-to category. Baca perjuangan dan prestasinya di


“Ini buku ‘gila’ karena menantang orang sibuk untuk membacanya dan kemudian belajar menulis .... Hanya kaum pemberani yang akan menerima tantangan Bung Edy kali ini.”
Andrias Harefa, Penulis Buku-buku Best Seller

“Luar biasa! Bawalah buku ini pulang dan baca! Temukan idenya dan hal-hal baru di buku ini! Setelah itu saya akan menemukan karya Anda ... beredar di toko-toko buku.”
Hari Subagya, Penulis Best Seller: Time To Change

“Kalau selama ini Anda berpikir ingin menulis buku tapi belum terwujud... jangan lewatkan buku ini. Anda pasti menemukan semua kiat yang bisa membantu Anda menjadi seorang penulis best seller.”
Andrew Ho, Penulis Best Seller: Highway to Success

“Saya dapatkan inspirasi dan banyak masukan berharga. Salut! Buku ini wajib dibaca para penulis pemula maupun penulis best seller.”
Adi W. Gunawan, Penulis Best Seller: Born to Be Genius
dan Genius Learning Strategy

“Gila... saya benar-benar nggak nyangka kalau menulis buku itu begitu mudah .... Pembaca sangat dirangsang untuk menulis.”
Ade Tri Marganingsih, Redaksi Majalah Matabaca

“Selesai membaca, saya sadar betapa ‘bahayanya’ buku ini. Dari kiat-kiatnya, buku ini bakal mencetak para pengarang best seller baru yang akan ‘membahayakan’ eksistensi pengarang-pengarang sebelumnya.”
Ignatius Kristanto, Litbang Kompas

"Buku ini sangat otoritatif, karena Edy Zaqeus adalah penulis best seller. Dengan buku ini dia tengah mengukir brand baru, bukan sekadar penulis best seller tetapi guru dalam bidang itu."
Her Suharyanto, Motivator Personal Branding

“Tidak ada seorang pun yang tidak salut kepada para penulis buku, apalagi penulis buku best seller. Karena itu, jangan buat naskah yang biasa-biasa saja, harus jadi luar biasa! Dan buku ini akan memandu jalan Anda. Luar biasa gagasan dan gaya penulisannya…menarik!"
Bambang Trim, Praktisi Perbukuan

"Judul buku ini sangat 'menjual' dan menantang. Produk bagus isinya pasti bermutu dan ini disajikan Edy Zaqeus dalam bahasa yang ringan. Buku ini layak dijadikan panduan bagi kaum profesional yang sibuk tapi ingin menulis buku."
David S. Simatupang, Redpel Majalah MARKETING

* Buku ini tersedia dengan tanda tangan dan ucapan khusus dari penulisnya. Pesan langsung hubungi Hp: 08159912074 atau email: dan

* Buku ini juga tersedia khusus di AW Motivation Books & Gift Shop, Mall Artha Gading Lt. Dasar, Blok A3 No.6-7-8, Jakarta Utara, Telp: 021-45863967.

sumber :

Menjadi Penulis Artikel, Buku & Cerita, Mudahkah?

Onno W. Purbo

Mengarang barangkali merupakan pelajaran yang paling membosankan pada masa SD. Pernahkan kita berfikir bahwa pekerjaan mengarang, menulis merupakan pekerjaan yang sebetulnya paling menyenangkan di dunia ini? Bayangkan, berbeda dengan pekerjaan lainnya yang harus datang ke kantor tepat waktu; pulang kadang malam hari; kekurangan waktu untuk keluarga karena harus pergi bekerja; persaingan yang ketat & membuat kita stress sukur-sukur tidak jantungan & mati karena terserang stroke. Dalam dunia menulis, mengarang ternyata kejadian-kejadian di atas tidak terjadi. Bahkan yang membuat dunia ini menjadi lebih ceria lagi adalah tidak adanya (sangat kurang) persaingan dalam pekerjaan sebagai penulis. Betul di Indonesia jarang sekali orang yang mendedikasikan hidup-nya untuk menulis saja, artinya persaingan sebagai penulis amat sangat tidak seru & hampir tidak perlu bersaing untuk menjadi penulis lepas. Bisa di maklumi karena bangsa Indonesia bukan bangsa yang suka menulis, mereka lebih suka berbicara, berdebat & berteriak bahkan mungkin berkelahi – bisa kita lihat contohnya pada kelakuan para elit politik.

Asiknya menulis, sebagian besar waktu kerja anda dapat dilakukan di rumah, atau jika anda memiliki laptop dapat dilakukan dimana saja. Artinya, waktu untuk keluarga praktis menjadi lebih banyak, hampir setiap hari jika anda menghendaki dapat hidup bersama keluarga anda di rumah. Hidupkah anda dari menulis saja? Insya Allah anda akan hidup – bayangkan satu tulisan kadang di hargai Rp. 250.000 s/d Rp. 1 juta untuk panjang 6000-15000 huruf yang dapat dilakukan dalam waktu sekitar 2 jam saja. Rasanya membutuhkan waktu kerja satu bulan bagi sarjana yang baru lulus untuk memperoleh uang sebanyak itu, belum lagi biaya transportasi yang demikian tinggi. Jika anda sanggup menulis buku agak lumayan hasilnya sekitar Rp. 3-4 juta / buku (untuk 10000 eksemplar). Yang paling mengasyikan sebagai penulis adalah undangan memberikan ceramah, sekali ceramah 1-2 jam bukan mustahil akan memperoleh antara Rp. 250.000 s/d Rp. 6 juta / ceramah tergantung penyelenggaranya. Kalau saya perhatikan semua ini sangat tergantung pada tingkat produktifitas anda dalam menulis & menyebarkan ilmu pengetahuan. Pada sisi ekstrim, semakin banyak pengetahuan anda menyebar ke masyarakat melalui berbagai media (bahkan yang gratis sekalipun seperti melalui Web), maka Insya Allah rizki akan datang kepada anda berlipat ganda, sesuai janji Sang Pencipta.

Pada saat ini, kebetulan sekali dunia teknologi informasi tampaknya sedang sangat booming, kebutuhan akan informasi tentang teknologi informasi menjadi demikian besar. Banyak sekali majalah, koran, surat kabar, tabloid yang berkaitan dengan Teknologi Informasi, mulai dari Koran Tempo, Telset, Infokomputer, NeoTek, Chip, Majalah Internet, infolinux, dotcom, dotnet, majalah teknologi, KOMPAS, Republika, Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta Post banyak sekali. Di samping itu, ada beberapa penerbit buku yang mempunyai fokus ke Teknologi Informasi, seperti Elexmedia Komputindo, Penerbit ITB, Gramedia. Belum lagi berbagai media online seperti, dll yang akan dengan senang hati menerima penerbitan tulisan / artikel anda. Jelas kebutuhan akan berbagai tulisan khususnya bidang teknologi informasi menjadi sangat banyak, dengan jumlah penulis yang demikian sedikit – betapa nikmatnya hidup hampir tanpa saingan & rizki yang melimpah.

Apa yang perlu kita lakukan dalam memulai karir sebagai penulis ini? Sebetulnya tidak banyak, sudah tentu bekal pengetahuan yang cukup tentang bidang yang akan kita tulis akan sangat membantu. Khususnya untuk dunia Teknologi Informasi, sebetulnya anda cukup beruntung karena ilmu di teknologi informasi berkembang terus dengan sangat pesat sehingga dari bidang apapun anda dapat menulis tentang berbagai aspek teknologi informasi. Kunci utamanya adalah kemauan untuk membaca berbagai tulisan, artikel tentang teknologi informasi yang sebetulnya banyak sekali & dapat di ambil secara gratis di Internet, seperti,,, dsb. Jika kita perhatikan di berbagai tulisan yang ada, sebetulnya latar belakang ekonomi, sosial, hukum dsb. juga dibutuhkan di dunia teknologi informasi.

Tentunya bergabung & berdiskusi dengan rekan penulis teknologi informasi lainnya juga akan sangat membantu. Salah satu pangkalan bagi penulis teknologi informasi Indonesia adalah yang saat ini beranggotakan hampir seratusan penulis TI & sebagian sudah menulis beberapa buku tentang TI.

Bagi pemula yang ingin mencoba mendalami dunia tulis menulis, alangkah baiknya jika dapat dilakukan sejak dini bahkan kalau mungkin sejak SD. Ada beberapa situs di Internet yang akan dapat membantu kita sebagai penulis, saya coba fokuskan justru ke situs-situs yang memberikan inspirasi bagi anak-anak dalam mencoba menulis sejak dini. Bagi yang ingin serius sebagai penulis, ada baiknya search di dengan menggunakan keyword “technical writer” atau “technical writing”. Memang sebagian besar informasi masih berbahasa Inggris, tapi paling tidak akan memberikan inspirasi proses menjadi seorang penulis yang baik. Situs tersebut antara lain adalah:

• Aaron Shepard's Young Author Page - situs untuk penulis anak-anak yang di kelola oleh Aaron Shepard.

• Arthur: Letter Writer Helper letterwriter_helper.html - tempat Arthur memberikan pelajaran bagaimana menulis surat yang baik & “cool” dan beberapa fakta tentang surat menyurat & e-mail.

• Buddy's Bearded Collie Literacy Notebook Buddy, a Bearded Collie, menolong anak-anak untuk menulis & membaca. Untuk mendapat berbagai ide untuk menulis, bahkan memasukan ceita sendiri.

• Candlelight Stories - tempat banyak e-book di simpan. Beberapa di antara di tulis oleh anak-anak. Jika anda masuk ke writing area, anda akan mengetahui bagaimana cara mempublikasi tulisan anda.

• CBC 4 Kids: Words default.html - anda dapat mengikuti perlombaan menulis, berpartisipasi dalam cerita yang tak pernah berhenti (never ending story), mencek buku & pengarang yang baik, mendengarkan drama radio dll.

• Children's Book Guy komalley/ - menerangkan bagaimana cara menulis & mempublikasikan buku.

• Elements of Style - tata bahasa, penggunaan kata, bentuk & ekspresi dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya.

• HP Student Center - berbagai resensi buku, proyek, game, aktifitas, dan workshop tentang menulis untuk anak-anak di tingkat SMP.

• Incredible Story Studio - Untuk anak-anak muda (10-14 tahun) yang ingin menulis cerita untuk televisi.

• Online Literacy index.html - berbagai tip yang “cool” untuk berbicara, mendengarkan, menulis & membaca di kelas.

• Page by Page: Creating a Children's Book - Tour step-by-step proses pembuatan buku menggunakan buku dari Tim Wynne-Jones yang berjudul Zoom Upstream sebagai contoh.

• The Write Site - untuk mengeksplorasi dunia jurnalistik, termasuk informasi bagaimana cara melakukan penelitian dan membangun gaya anda sendiri.

• Young Writers' Clubhouse - untuk memperoleh ide & saran untuk tulisan anda.

Ayo Mulai Menulis

Bagaimana cara memulai menulis buku?

Di Sini Tempatnya

Apakah ada kursus cara penulisan buku-buku ?

Di Sini Kursus nya

Dimana saya harus mencari dan bertanya ?

Bergabunglah di sini

" Cogito Ergo Sum- Aku Berpikir, Maka Aku Ada "
" Scribo Ergo Sum- Aku Menulis, Maka Aku Ada "



different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent