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'COGITO ERGO SUM' - (Aku Berpikir, Maka Aku Ada)

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'SCRIBO ERGO SUM' - (Aku Menulis, Maka Aku Ada)
'COGITO ERGO SUM' - (Aku Berpikir, Maka Aku Ada)


1. Pembesaran Lele Dumbo di Pekarangan, Ir. Murhananto, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
2. Budi Daya KOI, Oentie Agoes Tiana dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
3. Longyam Budi Daya Ikan Bersama Ayam, Ir. Enny Purbani T., M.Si dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
4. Membuat Telur Lukis, Ir. Murhananto, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
5. Membedah Rahasia Sukses Memelihara KOI, Oentie Agoes Tiana dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
6. Mendisain, Membuat dan Merawat Taman Rumah, Mona Sintia dan Ir. Murhananto, AgroMedia Pustaka, 2000
7. Membuat Paludarium, Ir. Murhananto, Agromedia Pustaka, 2000
8. Tehnik Dasar Membuat Lilin Hias, Veri Aprianto, SSn dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Kawan Pustaka, 2004
9. Aneka Kreasi Lilin, Veri Aprianto, SSn dan Ir. Murhananto, MM, Kawan Pustaka, 2004
10. Menghadirkan Pesona Air di Taman, Murhananto, Puspa Swara, 2000
11. Peraturan Permainan Futsal, Ir Murhananto, Kawan Pustaka, 2000
12. Budi Daya, Pengolahan, Perdagangan jahe, Farry B. Paimin, Murhananto, 1991
13. Membuat dan Mendekorasi Lilin, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 1999
14. Aneka Cetakan Lilin Hias, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2001
15. Membuat Lilin Apung Plus Pemberian Warna dan Aroma, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2000
16. Membuat Kreasi Lilin Jeli, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2000
17. Membuat Air Terjun Miniatur, Ir. Murhananto, Puspa Swara, 2000
18. Menyelami Dunia Pencak Silat, Ir. Murhananto, Puspa Swara, 2000
19. Membuat Aneka Kreasi Pigura, Ir. Murhananto dan Dra. Ria Aryasatyani, S. Pd, Puspa Swara, 2002

20. Tanaman Obat untuk Mengatasi Hepatitis, dr. Efi Afifah dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
21. Tanaman Obat untuk Mengatasi Diabetes Mellitus, dr. Prapti utami dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
22. Tanaman Obat untuk Mengatasi Rematik dan Asam Urat, dr. Prapti utami dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
23. Khasiat dan Manfaat Teulawak Rimpang Penyembuh Aneka Penyakit, dr. Efi Afifah dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
24. Terapi Jus untuk Diabetes Mellitus, dr. Prapti Utami dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
25. Khasiat dan Manfaat Jahe Merah si Rimpang Ajaib, Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
26. Khasiat dan Manfaat Brotowali si Pahit yang menyembuhkan, Budi Kresnady dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
27. Khasia dan Manfaat Kunyit, ir, W.P. Winarto dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
28. Memanfaatkan Tanaman Sayur untuk Mengatasi Aneka Penyakit, ir, W.P. Winarto dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
29. Khasiat dan Manfaat Pare, Dr. Tati S.S. Subahar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
30. Mimba Tanaman Obat Multifungsi, Dr. Sukrasno dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
31. Mencegah Ikan koki Mudah Mati, ir, Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
32. Mempercantik Kaktus dan Meningkatkan Nilai Jual, Ir, Joese Endah H dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
33. Mencemerlangkan Warna KOI, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
34. Pembesaran Ikan Mas di Kolam Air Deras, Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
35. Mempercantik Kaktus dan Meningkatkan Nilai Jualnya, Ir, Joese Endah H dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
36. Mencegah Ikan Koki Mudah Mati, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
37. Menghasilkan Pakan Alami untuk Ikan Hias, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
38. Beternak Ayam Arab Merah si Tukang Bertelur, Widharto Pambudi, SE dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
39. Budi Daya Ikan Hias Air Tawar Untuk Ekspor, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
40. Memilih dan Membuat Pakan Tepat untuk KOI, Handrie Agoes Tiana dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
41. Mewaspadai dan Menanggulangi Penyakit pada Louhan, Hambali Supriyadi, M.Sc, dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
42. Pembesaran Ikan Mas di Kolam Pekarangan, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
43. Membuat Ikan Hias Tampil Sehat dan Prima, Hambali Supriyadi, M.Sc dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
44. Cermat dan Tepat Memasarkan Gurami, Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2003
45. Bertanam Cabai Rawit dalam Pot, Ir. Purwono, MS dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2006
46. Memilih dan Mencari Kerja sesuasi dengan Bakat dan Kepribadian, Efriyani Djuwita, Kawan Pustaka, 2003
47. Kaya Karena Allah, Mohammad Asror Yusuf. MA, Kwan Pustaka 2004
48. Bercinta Karena Allah, Mohammad Asror Yusuf, MA, Kawan Pustaka, 2004
49. Menyingkap Rahasia Penangkaran dan Budi Daya Arwana, Ir. Yusuf Bachtiar dan Tim Lentera, Agromedia Pustaka, 2002
50. Cetak Sablon Untuk Pemula, Guruh Nusantara, A.Md. Graft dan Tim Lentera, Puspa Swara, 2003
51. Percakapan Bahasa Arab sehari-hari, Mohammad Asror Yusuf, MA, Kawan Pustaka, 2003
52. Perencanaan Menu Untuk Penderita Kegemukan, Ir. Susi Purwati, Dr. dr. Sri Rahayuningsih, MSc, Ir. Salimar, Penebar Swadaya, 2000


53. Aneka Masakan Dari Ayam, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
54. Aneka Masakan dari Ikan Mas, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
55. Aneka Masakan dari Ikan Lele, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
56. Aneka Masakan dari Gurami, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
57. Aneka Masakan Tahu, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
58. Aneka Masakan Tempe, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
59. Aneka Hidangan Seafood, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
60. Kreasi Tumpeng Istimewa, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
61. Sajian Kopi ala Cafe, Yuni Pradata dan Raninta IA, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
62. Aneka Masakan Ikan Air Tawar, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
63. Aneka Masakan Soto, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
64. Aneka Masakan Sop, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
65. Aneka Masakan Ikan Laut, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2006
66. Aneka Masakan dari Sayuran Berkhasiat Obat, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2006
67. Aneka Masakan Ayam Nusantara, Yuni Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2005
68. Aneka Masakan Bakso, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
69. Aneka Masakan Jajanan Pasar, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004
70. Menu 30 Hari, Wahyuni Yulia Pradata, Agromedia Pustaka, 2004

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Article Writing And Marketing Online

Many internet marketers rush to write and submit their articles to article databases and are disappointed with the results that they achieve for the effort they spent writing them. So as you can see by writing your own articles you are more likely to impress those people that are interested in the service or the product that you are offering and because submission to many article directories is free the cost implications are minimal. Also many people have found that the article directories that they submit to are usually free for submission purposes and when starting an online business any savings you can make in the first few weeks or months will benefit the business.

When you write articles to promote your business online you should set an objective – for example to increase the number of visitors and clients for a certain product or service – and then focus on a topic of interest related to that objective. The best way to achieve this is to talk first about the feature of your topic, product, or services briefly, and then follow right below your feature, a detailed benefit (make sure you focus and write more on the benefit). Now all you need to do is either write the articles yourself or get them written by others, and then submit them to the article directories, and watch all the targeted traffic flow in.

If you can write quality articles and submit them to the article directories, you will definitely get “Targeted Traffic” to your websites. 1) Submit to Article Directories The best place to submit your articles are Article Directories. If you are good in writing and enjoy doing it, you might decide to write your own articles.

Me too, but at an average of some 16 articles per day for 16 months and now often writing 30-40 articles per day some days, well you might be surprised how easy it is to run out of subjects that you wish to write about. One online article writer asks; Does Writing One or Two Articles Per Day Make a Difference? Of course as an online article writer who often submits his articles to online article submission sites I have found folks in their infinite anger and hypocrisy of their religion go and rate all my articles with a one star.

I was told by an online article submission site entrepreneur that; If you write articles to "tear at the heart" of their belief system, surely it should not surprise you if they are angry with you. Whatever your reasons for writing articles and wherever they end up, before you start to scribble or tap away at the keyboard, there are a few basic things that you will need to know. If you are writing for Productivity, then you have to adopt certain strategies when writing these articles so that you may obtain the maximum one way links, improve your link popularity and enjoy other benefits.

Because it establishes you as an authority on the subject that you are writing on and because writing articles will also increase the number of people (and visitors) who know about and visit your website. Writing articles and allowing other webmasters to post your articles on their website will absolutely explode the number of backlinks to your site, in addition to increasing the number of people who visit your site – both of which help to increase your website’s popularity and search engine ranking. I know if you are watching a Docu-Drama, Action film or listening to music with lots of verbal irony, Country or some of the newer stuff then you must re-check your articles and be careful editing, otherwise too many mistakes.

By keeping these five mistakes in mind when you sit down to write your next article, you're more likely to create an effective piece of writing that gets your message across in the most professional way possible. Part 2 of this article will explore the aspects of writing for Productivity and achieving your goal as a Smart Webmaster. If you would like detailed tips about the dos and don'ts of article writing, then watch this space, there will be more coming soon.

These tips are pretty straightforward, and most of you would consider them to be common sense, but even the best article writers sometimes get off track, and may forget some of the fundamentals of writing.

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The Poultney Inn

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